Bernardo Subercaseaux

I am a 4th year Computer Science PhD student at CMU, where I’m advised by the amazing Marijn Heule. For a more detailed biography of myself you can click here.

Research statement. I am passionate about several topics in discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science. At the highest level, I want to understand more about the limits of formal systems; what can and cannot be done (efficiently?) by a computer. Fortunately, computer scientists have come up with a wide variety of angles from which to attack this broad question. So far, my work can be clustered around the following sub-areas:

Social statement. I deeply believe that Math and CS are some of the most beautiful collective enterprises of humankind. Understanding Math and CS as human activities that take place inside of human communities is crucial for me, and therefore I am committed to contributing to their social aspects as well. As a consequence, I am very interested in: peer review, philosophy of science, DEI efforts, and understanding the experiences and perspectives of other scientists, especially those coming from marginalized backgrounds. In particular, a long term goal of mine is to contribute to the development of the theoretical CS community in Chile and South America. If you are interested in my research, or discussing about anything else mentioned here, please reach out to me!