I really really really love teaching. So far, I have being a Teaching Assistant for the following classes: 1
Undergraduate Quatum Computing
at CMU. For professor Ryan O’Donnell
Design and Analysis of Algorithms
3 times at U. of Chile. For professors Gonzalo Navarro, Pablo Barceló, and Jérémy Barbay.
Advanced Analysis of Algorithms
at U. of Chile. For professor Patricio Poblete.
Algorithms and Data Structures
at U. of Chile. For professor Jérémy Barbay.
Discrete Math
3 times at U. of Chile. For professors Gonzalo Navarro and Pablo Barceló.
Programming Languages
at U. of Chile. For professor Éric Tanter.
Computability and Computational Complexity
at U. of Chile. For professor Marcos Kiwi.
Computational Complexity
hired as external TA from PUC Chile. For professor Pablo Barceló.
at École Centrale Paris. For professor Nicolas Travers.
Workshop of Competitive Programming
2 times at U. of Chile. For professor Jorge Pérez.
Automata Theory and Formal Languages
at U. of Chile. For professor Jorge Pérez.
Introduction to Algebra
at U. of Chile. For professor Ivan Rapaport.
I also had a YouTube channel with math videos, and have collected a fair bit of teaching materials over the years. I plan to upload most of that here. Unfortunately, most of it was originally written in Spanish, so I’ll be slowly translating it over time.
By counting classes multiplied by the number of times I have TA’ed for them, the total is 17 TA’ships. ↩